Holistic Dentistry

Teeth Meridians And Energy Flow

Sea of Toxins

You must realize that we live in a SEA OF TOXINS.  We shall designate “TOX” from this point forward to include:

  • Heavy metals
  • Fluoride
  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides
  • Food preservatives
  • Insecticides
  • Fertilizers
  • Synthetics
  • Plastics
  • Petroleum
  • Medications (including over-the-counter – OTC)
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Parasites
  • Funguses
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Radiation

All of these are constantly entering our bodies through our lungs, skin, and food.  Some willfully while others without our consent.  Notice #11 which includes all medications prescribed or OTC.  The exception to this rule would be some beneficial medications such as Insulin.  It is estimated that most of us will ingest over 5 gallons of TOX each and every year.

Not the Exposure or Ingestion

Ultimately, it is not your exposure to or ingestion of TOX that cause your health problems.   It is your body’s inability to process and remove/eliminate these harmful agents.  Those who eliminate stay healthy.  Those who “bog down” suffer health problems.  We all know a friend or family member who never gets sick and seems to have endless energy with constant enthusiasm and ability to accomplish more than the rest of us.  We may envy them while wondering how they do it.  It’s not that hard.  Keep reading.

The Key to Health is...

Again, the key to health is elimination, constantly and continuously.  What can you do to make sure that you are eliminating TOX and detoxifying your body of harmful poisons on a continuous basis?  The human body is capable of healing so long as it can eliminate!  Your health is a direct correlation to how well you eliminate. Recovering from a state of poor health is also dependent on your body’s ability to remove TOX in order to recover.

Think of your body with the following analogy.

Your house has a HVAC system with ducts and filters.  You most likely also have a garbage disposer, running water, and modern plumbing.  Think or your HVAC system as your heart and lungs.  The motor circulates the air through the duct work just like your circulatory system.  Clean filters help to remove dust particles and keep the air clean.  The filters are similar to your liver and lymph system.  Next, think of your kitchen as your GI system.  The garbage disposer is your gut.  The drains are your kidneys.  Finally, consider the home Electric Panel and all of the lights and switches in the kitchen.

Now think of what happens when you don’t replace your HVAC filters for a few years.  Eventually, the ducts get plugged up, air flow can stop and the motor burns out.  After your next dinner party take all of the turkey bones, fixings, and plastic forks and shove them in your garbage disposer and then see if the unit can grind them up properly. Turn the water on and see if the sink gets backed up.  While you’re at it take some chocolate syrup and dump it into the sink.  Next, clean up all of the table scraps and shove those in as well. Just as you finish this go to the Electric Panel and shut OFF the circuit that goes to your garbage disposer.

The same scenario is constantly happening to your body.  If you don’t keep your HVAC filters (liver, lungs, blood vessels) clean you will suffer from asthma, high blood pressure, breathing problems, and increase your risk of accumulating viruses such as Corona. If you overwhelm your GI system (the garbage disposer) by eating large quantities of sweets and junk you won’t be able to properly expel and process them out of your body.  You will plug up your liver, gallbladder, lymph, and stomach. Eventually your kidneys (drains) will also fail to eliminate TOX because it’s all stuck in your GI, liver, lymph, blood vessels, etc.  This will cause blood pressure problems, allergies, tiredness, immune system failure, and endocrine breakdown.  You now have ZERO ability to process and remove whatever harmful agents have accumulated.  This is not a story, it’s what is most likely happening in your body right now.

The concept of “removal” is a complex science that includes many strategies, ideas, and principles.  Just like your clothes need to be laundered so does your body.  Just like your car needs to be washed so does your internal and external body.

Now, if your washer and dryer have no electricity or gas flowing to them you will have a hard time cleaning and drying your clothes.  The same thing can happen to your body when voltage changes or stops.  Your body will lose ability to maintain optimal function because it cannot “clean” itself due to the cord being unplugged or fried.  A change in voltage can result from excessive buildup of TOX.

Any change in voltage can stop or stall normal function of organs.

Can your teeth cause more buildup of TOX in your body and decrease organ function?

Think of your body as an AA battery juicing up a flashlight.  The more you use it the more you wear it out.  Eventually no light.  It’s the same with your body.  Your cells and organs require 25 MV (millivolts) of energy to function properly and the energy must always be recharged.  Any decrease or change in this voltage causes functional deficits.  We will discuss many factors that cause a change in energy flow (such as TOX) but for now let’s discuss your teeth, which are similar to the wiring of a flashlight. 

Teeth are responsible for meridians in your body.  Think of meridians as electrical wires and your teeth as the light switches.  Healthy teeth = properly working switches and electrical flow.  If you have a metal filling, root canal, or crown on a tooth such as a lower right molar you have changed the electrical flow of that circuit.  That molar is responsible for directing energy flow to your lungs and large intestine.  Changing the voltage of that circuit can also change the function of those organs.  Extract that tooth and your light switch is now permanently turned off. 

Ever wonder why people with missing teeth often have so many health ailments?  This includes those of us who have had our wisdom teeth removed.  These teeth control voltage flow to your heart, small intestine, and endocrine glands.  Digestive and hormonal problems can happen if they become infected.  A diagram of these tooth meridians can always be consulted and cross referenced so that you can see the link between particular teeth and the organs that can be affected.

Compare the voltage in your body with that in your home.  If one of your 110V circuits is hit by a lighting strike or that voltage is somehow increased to 220V, or higher, then the result is that the wires will fry because they are not designed to carry excess juice.  Even the house can catch on fire when voltage spikes that high.  The opposite happens when the circuit breaker trips and no more electricity flows to that dishwasher.  It’s dead.

When your teeth may be causing abnormal nerve flow to your organs you may no longer be able to efficiently process and eliminate TOX because the organ loses the ability to function properly, especially when it comes to elimination.  You will therefore be more prone to build up more TOX in your system thereby causing you more harm and decreasing the ability to eliminate even more. 

Body Functions

In order to understand the System of Elimination you must have a basic lecture on how your body functions and how your teeth may affect some of the organ functions.

First, you must breathe.  This necessity make you inhale TOX.  Second, you must eat.  The same TOX is brought in.  Third, you must drink water; same TOX being ingested.  In through the nose or mouth, they all come.  Eventually most of it ends up in your bloodstream, except for what is digested and left in your GI system.  Your liver and your lymph will attempt to filter the TOX from the blood but eventually they get overwhelmed.  As this happens the TOX starts to accumulate in your organs and tissues.  The liver and lymph slowly lose voltage and stop functioning.  If you have a root canal or have lost a molar or premolar the switch to these organs may already be compromised.  Your kidneys will try to flush out whatever they can, however even they start to get overburdened especially if you have lost a tooth on your left side.  Your GI will try to eliminate what it can but eventually it backs up the same way that your garbage disposer does when you turn off the power to it or overfill it with turkey bones.  If you have a root canal on tooth 30, that problem may be made even worse.  That backup and loss of voltage will slowly cause the stomach to slow down and the lungs to get overfilled.  Your pancreas will also run out of digestive enzymes as it cannot keep up with demand, especially if you have a root canal on a left side premolar tooth.  Eventually, your spleen won’t be able to clean the red blood cells and you enter a state of chronic health problems.

So, in simple terms:  your body is like a revolving door.  In with the good, out with the bad.  Anything that stops the door from spinning (like a power outage) will cause health problems due to the fact that you cannot eliminate and your system becomes toxic.  You will become a sewage system.

Now, let’s look at the most common TOX problems and how they relate to dentistry.


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